dc coyote's world

a southwestern guy in DC: my thoughts about everything internal and external: psychology, politics, pets, my mood and evolution as a person, sports, books, movies, tv, comics, pop culture and gay culture

Friday, August 14, 2009

My Facebook Defaced

Think I'm getting sick of Facebook.
I saw the utility of it pretty quickly. Reconnected with all sorts of folks from high school and different times in my life. It gave me an odd daily link with them. Now, though, I'm feeling bombarded with odd and frequently annoying twitter-esque snippets. And I have zero desire to twitter or be twittered at/to/about, etc. And some of these folks with whom I've reconnected... does Facebook count as reconnecting...as well as some who are acquaintances on the margins of my life are saying things that personally and politically make me think that they that they aren't the sorts of people I want in my life.
Do I de-friend them? Do I ignore them? Is there a new, odd social protocol here?
What I don't want is to get in pointless, time consuming e-arguments with people I may never see again and whose opinions don't really matter to me other than to make me sad at the steady flow of ignorance, snarkiness, and judgmentalism.


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